M.S. in Sport Physiology and Performance Coaching

博天堂官方入口登陆登录的运动生理学和表现教练理学硕士课程为你在高中的职业生涯做准备, 大学, and professional strength and conditioning settings. 在课堂内外丰富的实践经验与由专家教授的创新课程相结合,为您在该领域的成功做好准备.

该计划包括两门课程,允许您直接与博天堂官方入口登陆登录的NCAA第三部门体育系合作. You'll also complete an internship that gives you valuable, hands-on experiences in your field of study.



I chose 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 because of the highly respected faculty. After completing my undergraduate degree at the University of Nevada, 里诺, 我想在运动科学、力量和体能方面继续深造. I wanted to get hands-on coaching experience, apply scientific-based training principles, and to do research and the SPPC program offered it all. 此外,博士. 蒂莫西·苏科莫在力量和体能训练领域非常有名,我知道在他手下工作将是一段不可思议的经历.
The practicum was very hands-on and I learned a lot about myself as a coach. 这种环境给了我一个机会,将我在课堂上学到的东西立即应用到健身房,并贯穿全年. 实习给我的另一个好处是,我是运动表现提高小组(SPEG)的一员,那里有人类表现教练, 体能训练师, and Athletic Director would come together to discuss training reports, 运动员的健康, 举重室的需求和需要改进的地方,让我们的运动员达到他们最大的潜力.
The SPPC program also offered a unique experience where we were part of the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Sport Performance Institute (CUSPI) 我们基本上是我们团队的运动科学家,负责对运动员进行测试和监控. I took advantage of as many opportunities as I could, which included working with multiple teams, coaching a diverse population of athletes, performing athlete testing and monitoring, 与运动教练沟通, 执行研究, presenting at the NSCA National Conference, 体育科学与教练教育卓越中心(CESSCE)实习, and working within the 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Sport Performance Institute.

Photograph of SPPC alumnus 卡梅伦Kissick

研究生 Into a High-Demand Career

当你从博天堂官方入口登陆登录的运动生理学和表现教练硕士课程毕业时, you’ll be career-ready for a variety of positions, 包括:

  • Strength and conditioning coach/coordinator
  • 性能的教练
  • 运动科学家
  • 战术上的主持人
  • 兼职教员/老师
  • Sports performance training centers
  • 战术性能
  • Military research and development
  • High school, 大学 and professional athletic programs

我们的 实践课程 prepares you for a variety of careers in sports performance in a range of job settings. You'll complete a minimum of 320 hours during an internship, 给你宝贵的东西, 现实世界的经验.


我们的米.S. 在运动生理学和表现教练课程准备你成为一个力量和调节专业的高素质的高中工作, 大学/university or professional settings. The program focuses on developing the knowledge, 综合设计和交付项目和服务的技能和能力,包括绩效评估, human performance development and athletic performance.


我们的24个月, 全日制课程每年秋季开始,包括独家学习机会,有机会与备受尊敬的教师合作进行力量和调节研究. In the last semester of the program, your studies will culminate in a full-time internship high school, 大学, professional or performance center setting. 教师与你合作, 一对一的, to identify and develop an internship that fits your professional goals.




Baylee Techmanski

Strength and Conditioning Coach for Athlete Performance

选择卡罗尔很容易——当时我所有的教授都敦促我,如果我想继续我的教育,就要向最好的人学习. In addition to a brilliant facility, Carroll offered a 15-month master’s program that allowed me to not only get my degree, 但是作为一名全职的力量和体能教练,我有同样的责任和责任. 这对我很有吸引力,因为在课程作业中有研究和更深入的知识, as well as the practical coaching side.
对我来说,最突出的经历是研究和拥有自己的团队来指导. 这项研究对我来说是新的和令人兴奋的,因为这项运动背后的科学使这个领域变得令人惊奇, and it allowed me to grow as a professional. 另一方面, 作为他们的人力绩效教练,与我指定的团队一起工作,看着他们成长为更好的运动员,这是使这个项目脱颖而出的原因. These courses prepared me to leave Carroll and be ready to enter the field. SPPC项目旨在提供尽可能多的参与,而我正是这样做的.
I am currently a full time strength and conditioning coach for athlete performance, and I can honestly say I would not be where I am without Carroll’s SPPC program. At the start of the SPPC program at Carroll, I knew what my strengths and weaknesses were as a coach, and I had only 15 months to do better. Throughout the coursework I gained more knowledge, 作为一名专业人员,我参与了研究,并学会了与人力绩效团队沟通, 作为一名教练,我实践了我所宣扬的,以便更好地理解我为运动员制定的计划.

A photograph of Carroll alumna Baylee Techmanski


Grad 入学 Counselor Dave Buehler

参加我们的活动! Speak 一对一的 with faculty and our graduate admission counselor, Dave Buehler. Get your questions answered about the program and admission process.

Virtual Information Sessions - held on Microsoft Teams

有兴趣了解更多? 联系Dave Buehler:
电子邮件- dbuehler@ya742.com 打电话或发短信 262-299-8180
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颁奖典礼:一个自豪的时刻,作为一个人是公认的卓越的力量和条件的研究, receiving a prestigious award at an academic event.

卡罗尔教授获得NSCA 2023年力量和调节杂志优秀奖


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) selected Dr. 蒂姆·苏切梅尔博士.D., 二者, *D, RSCC, 获得2023年国家力量与调节协会力量与调节研究杂志编辑优秀奖.

students learning from a coach in weight room

Carroll Announces New Sport Performance Institute


博天堂官方入口登陆登录 is announcing its new Sport Performance Institute, 健康科学学院的教师和学生与大学的体育项目之间的伙伴关系. 博天堂官方入口登陆登录体育表演学院(CUSPI)也将扩大其影响力,为周边社区服务.


Head Strength and Conditioning Coach

我想在运动科学方面继续深造,让自己成为运动员更好的资源. 我选择了博天堂官方入口登陆登录的SPPC项目,因为我了解这里的教师,正因为如此,我确信我有机会学到很多东西, whether it was in the classroom setting or in a practical setting.

被分配到一个团队,编写他们的力量和条件程序给了我很多责任和自由,让我从错误和成功中学习. 这是一个巨大的信心助推器-能够将你在课堂上学到的东西实际应用到团队中,并看着他们成为更好的运动员.

I was given so many opportunities: to be a leader, 助理, 研究的一部分, 做运动员侧写测试, everyday weight room and athletic facility functions, assigned a team and made responsible for their growth as athletes, a large and very optimal set of choices for internship experience, and even be a part of staff weekly meetings. 拥有所有这些机会,能够看到人类表现的各个方面,力量教练可以成为其中的一部分,这不仅帮助我变得更有知识,而且帮助我知道我想要的是什么,以及我如何对运动员产生最大的积极影响.




彼得Delzer, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录


Associate Head Coach of Track and Field and 人力绩效教练
马克Krzykowski, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录


Shana麦基弗, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录


Exercise Science Adjunct Faculty and Volunteer 人力绩效教练


Exercise Science and 人力绩效教练


Head Volleyball Coach and 人力绩效教练

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